Additive manufacturing (AM) is the industrial application of 3D printing, the layer-by-layer construction of a part from a 3D model created using computer-aided design software.
It is the collective name for a group of technologies that use a variety of feedstocks, power sources and build techniques. At TWI we specialise in metal AM, working with a diverse range of metals in both wire and powder form, fusing them together using lasers, electron beams and electric arcs.
As well as enabling the rapid creation of unique, complex and bespoke parts, AM is also an effective method of repair and remanufacture. It can be used to replace parts that are no longer in production, or to modify existing parts for improved performance.
Additive manufacturing represents a step change in the flexibility of production, allowing businesses to design and make better products, enter new markets and develop new business models, react more quickly to changing demands, and explore the possibilities of digital manufacturing.
TWI has been supporting this transformative technology’s growth and acting as a key protagonist in its industrialisation for the last 25 years.
Explore our website to find out how we can use our deep understanding of AM and associated technologies to support your work, and contact us today to take the first step towards taking advantage of its many benefits to grow your business.